Shitlist-driven development and other tricks for working on large codebases - RedDotRubyConf 2017
4 years ago
Speaker: Florian Weingarten, Production Engineering Lead, Shopify
Working on large codebases is hard. Doing so with 700 people is even harder. Deploying it 50 times a day is almost impossible. We will look at productivity tricks and automations that we use at Shopify to get stuff done. We will learn how we fix the engine while the plane is running, how to quickly change code that lots of people depend on, how to automatically track down productivity killers like unreliable tests, how to maintain a level of agility that keeps developers happy and allows them to ship fast, and most importantly what the heck a "shitlist" is.
Speaker's Bio
Florian is originally from Germany, where he studied mathematics and computer science. Since moving to Canada, he is now working as Production Engineer at Shopify in Ottawa, spending most of his time on refactoring large Ruby on Rails codebases and thinking about scalability and performance problems.
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