Spinning up micro-services using Ruby/Kafka - RedDotRubyConf 2017
4 years ago
Speaker: Ankita Gupta, Software Engineer, honestbee
As organisations get bigger, handling large application(s) gets harder - long release and test cycles, higher chances of a small change affecting other parts of the system. Micro-services solve some of these problems, albeit with their own set of challenges. Apache Kafka allows setting up event-driven architectures, wherein the concern of each service can be cleanly separated, and communication among services can happen asynchronously. The transition form a large rails application to smaller applications can be made more seamless with a few easy steps. I will be elaborating steps developers can take to make this process easier.
Speaker's Bio
Ankita is working as a full-stack software engineer at honestbee. In her free time, she works on her non-profit project Jugnuu, a low-cost, mobile-based English language solution for children.
Event Page: http://www.reddotrubyconf.com/
Produced by Engineers.SG
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