To Code is Human - RedDotRubyConf 2017

4 years ago

Speaker: Don Werve, Consultant, Minimum Viable Programming is a deeply mental art. And as programmers, we invest large amounts of time in mastering new languages and new tools. But all too often, we neglect understanding of the most important tool in the developer's toolbox: the programmer's brain itself. In this talk, we will combine the art of programming with the science of cognitive psychology, and emerge with a deeper understanding of how to leverage the limits of the human mind to sustainably craft software that is less buggy, easier to understand, and more adaptive in the face of change. Speaker's Bio Don is from California, lives in Tokyo, and divides his time between cooking and training to survive the impending zombie apocalypse. He has spent the past seven years working around the world as a back-pocket CTO and software engineer, helping companies solve tough team management and scaling issues, and today he joins us to chat about the human infrastructure of software engineering. Event Page: Produced by Engineers.SG Help us caption & translate this video!
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