Virtual EmberConf 2020: EmberQuest: Building an Octane Role Playing Game by Dan Monroe
4 years ago
EmberQuest: Building an Octane Role Playing Game by Dan Monroe
Journey with me as I discuss how Ember Octane made building an RPG easier. There are many challenges to make a playable game; rendering maps, moving the player and monsters, player inventory, combat. Never fear, we have magic on our side!
We'll use a Glimmering component for the main viewport, mini world map, Path Finding, and Fog of War. The magic of Ember-Concurrency will help drive moving and combat. The wizardry of Ember-Auto-Import will allow the use of Konva to draw on our HTML5 canvas.
Together, with the magic Octane sword I've named Tracked, we'll level-up and complete our EmberQuest!
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