Insights: the state analyzer to rule them all - DevConf.CZ 2020
4 years ago
Speakers: Ivan Nečas
The world of running services has been shifting quite significantly towards providing a lot of diagnostic information to help with keeping the world running. However, what that means is also chance of getting overwhelmed by the amount of the data you're collecting, and the need of having more automation around processing that. While many services and tools exist in this space, they usually depend on some external service or some heavy machinery to work.
At this talk, I would like to talk about Insights project (, that is aiming at being able to process variety of diagnostics information from
different sources and define rules to provide more relevant… well… insights about the state, that can be used for further troubleshooting or fixing.
I will be talking about how we use it in OpenShift, as well as about other real of potential use-case, so that next time you're facing with this kind of problems, you know another tool to consider.
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