!!Con West 2020 - Aaron Wood: The Ancient Greeks and Their Restless Cattle: 2300 years of Bigints!
4 years ago
Presented at !!Con West 2020: http://bangbangcon.com/west
Previously on The Ancient and the Restless: Archimedes’ new BigNumeral class is the talk of the town, but his biggest rival is out to destroy and replace it. Not to be outdone, Archimedes poses a cattle-counting problem to cement his place at the top. As planned, the challenge proves insurmountable and interest in the problem eventually dies.
….Or does it?? In true soap opera fashion, the long-forgotten problem has reappeared with a vengeance. Will two millennia of maths and the advent of computers be enough to answer Archimedes’ challenge to find the number of Cattle Under The Sun?!
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