Dissecting a completely Functional-Reactive JavaScript app | Netta Bondy

4 years ago

accessible for deaf/hearing-impaired: sign language interpreter (DGS) visible for complete duration + captions // slide collection https://buff.ly/2YLcPlA // Licence: CC BY-ND https://buff.ly/2TN3XIo Today we have the ability to write fully Functional-Reactive code in JavaScript, using RxJS. However, in our day-to-day life, we often use RxJS alongside other libraries and patterns that make our life easier, but also distance us from pure Functional-Reactive Programming (FRP). What would an app that has been written completely in RxJS, and in-line with the principles of FRP, look like? In this talk, we will examine such an app – a Pomodoro productivity timer with start and pause functionality – and use it to understand what truly functional-reactive code in JavaScript looks like, and what are the principles that underlie it. more: - 🎤 Like A Surgeon – Dissecting a completely Functional-Reactive JavaScript app for the very first time 🎶 (remember?) - repo: https://github.com/NettaB/reactive-pomodoro What are the key takeaways from this talk? - What are the main concepts of Functional-Reactive Programming, and how are they expressed in JavaScript/RxJS code? - What is the structure of an FRP app, and how is it different from how we usually write code? - How can we integrate more FRP concepts in our everyday code? Netta (@_bondit_) is the co-founder of Israel’s largest community of women in R&D, and a senior JavaScript developer designing and building web apps. She often codes useless things out of sheer curiosity and stubbornness. Sign up for our Newsletter to receive preview-links every other Thursday starting 2019, April 04: https://js-kongress.us13.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=9c3420f6b5269855b07422fb5&id=f490a69da5
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