Taming reactive Node.js: Stream-oriented architecture with NestJS | Kamil Myśliwiec

4 years ago

accessible for deaf/hearing-impaired: sign language interpreter (DGS) visible for complete duration + captions // slide collection https://buff.ly/2YLcPlA // Licence: CC BY-ND https://buff.ly/2TN3XIo The stream-oriented architectures are still very rare in the node.js world. While reactive programming becomes a first-class citizen in the front-end applications, we don’t have too many materials on how to apply some of these concepts in our server-side apps. In this talk, Kamil will show you Nest framework as well as introduce you to the world of event-driven systems, CQRS, and Event Sourcing concepts (and how to really take advantage of them). What are the key takeaways from this talk? - Reactive programming in Node - basic Event Sourcing & CQRS knowledge - applicability of events+sagas - NestJS more: https://nestjs.com/ Kamil Myśliwiec (@kammysliwiec) is an enthusiastic software engineer truly passionate about web technologies. Creator of NestJS, open source evangelist, currently working as a Full-Stack developer with a variety of languages. Sign up for our Newsletter to receive preview-links every other Thursday starting 2019, April 04: https://js-kongress.us13.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=9c3420f6b5269855b07422fb5&id=f490a69da5
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