!!Con West 2020: Lee Butterman - Drag Makeovers, via AI!

4 years ago

Presented at !!Con West 2020: http://bangbangcon.com/west A new project, StyleGAN, represents faces in high-fidelity in 9000 dimensions, and can produce high-quality interpolation between those faces! They even provide pre-trained models on 70k faces from Flickr! These 9000 dimensions represent everything from facial pose to hair styles to background to skin tone and more. We can try to find encodings of several drag queens, in drag and out of drag, and use those differences to interpolate our own faces. This is available online as well, with your webcam, at https://leebutterman.com/drag-makeover. #bangbangcon #bangbangconwest #bangbangconwest2020
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