Email marketing done the open source way - phpList - DevConf.CZ 2020

4 years ago

Speakers: Mariana Balla phpList is an open source software for sending email newsletters, marketing campaigns and announcements. It is designed to fulfil the marketing needs of small and large companies and organizations, always the open source way. With a monthly release cycle, phpList adds value to an open source industry great product. It is licensed under the AGPLv3 license and is fully GDPR compliant. This session will be focused on a general overview of the software, how an Agile development approach has affected its developers, documenters, and translators community and how users with a non-technical profile can benefit from it. [ ] -- Recordings of talks at DevConf are a community effort. Unfortunately not everything works perfectly every time. If you're interested in helping us improve, let us know.
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