#DeepTrack panel 2019 | TC39, webpack, WebAssembly, RollupJS, ...

4 years ago

accessible for deaf/hearing-impaired: sign language interpreter (DGS) visible for complete duration + captions // slide collection https://buff.ly/2YLcPlA // License: CC BY-ND https://buff.ly/2TN3XIo Mariko Kosaka (Google), Tobias Koppers (founder of webpack), Sean Larkin (Microsoft, and webpack maintainer), Johannes Ewald (webpack core team), Ben L. Titzer (Google), Benedikt Meurer (v8), Lukas Taegert-Atkinson (RollupJS), Dan Ehrenberg (TC39). Some representatives who have been actively participating in the #DeepTrack program. Now on stage, they are sharing innovative ideas, discussions, and approaches from the DeepTrack 2019. A special thanks goes to Wolfram Kriesing for anchoring and guiding the whole process, not only on stage but especially in the 2-day DeepTrack itself. The DeepTrack is all about sharing knowledge, discussing and working on all kinds of topics around JavaScript and having fun with like-minded people in a safe environment where YOU create the program! The overall idea is to have a creative space, to share ideas, work together, discuss and listen to each other — face to face. Some of 2019's topics were: - decorators - value types - HTML and CSS loading - top-level await - async modules - import await - key-value storage - import Maps - official announcement of threads in WASM - webassembly and JavaScript working better together The #DeepTrack 2020 is looking for your contribution: This is not a CFP, everybody from the community who owns a ticket has the opportunity to contribute to the #DeepTrack. Find the DeepTrack repo on https://github.com/JSKongress/JS-Kongress-Munich-Deep-Track
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