A web platform feature is born! – massively distributed multiplayer engineering | Mariko Kosaka
4 years ago
accessible for deaf/hearing-impaired: sign language interpreter (DGS) visible for complete duration + captions // slide collection https://buff.ly/2YLcPlA // License: CC BY-ND https://buff.ly/2TN3XIo
One of the unique thing about the web is that no one owns the platform. There are multiple runtime environments available from different browser vendors, and new features are being added every day by different organizations. In this talk, we’ll look at how web platform features are proposed, developed, and tested. We’ll go over what kind of systems are in place to coordinate a massively distributed engineering project, and why you should get involved!
- Chromium Project on Launching features https://www.chromium.org/blink/launching-features
- example for an explainer https://github.com/w3c/web-share/blob/master/docs/explainer.md
- Chrome Platform Status https://chromestatus.com/features
- TAG https://www.w3.org/2001/tag/
- request of a TAG review https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/179
- Origin Trial example https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2019/01/rtcquictransport-api
- Mozilla wiki on adding features https://wiki.mozilla.org/ExposureGuidelines
- Suggestions to Microsoft https://wpdev.uservoice.com/
- tweets when browser makers announce their intent to ship, change or remove features in their web engines https://twitter.com/intenttoship
- https://github.com/w3c/serviceworker
- Web Incubator Community Group https://wicg.io/ & https://discourse.wicg.io/
- Web Assembly Community Group https://www.w3.org/community/webassembly/
- zine on twitter: bit.ly/tc39-zine
- Blogpost by Jake Archibald https://alistapart.com/article/application-cache-is-a-douchebag/
What are the key takeaways from this talk?
People will walk away from this talk with an understanding of web standards process and will walk away with knowledge of architectural decision which needs to be made to add a new feature to the web platform.
Mariko (@kosamari) is a drawsplainer working at the team what build Google Chrome. She also co-organize a local JavaScript meetup in NYC called BrooklynJS.
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