Have your cake and eat it too with Inertia.js by Sebastian De Deyne

4 years ago

Europe’s Leading Laravel Conference Blind-bird Tickets 2020 Available https://laracon.eu/2020/tickets One of the harder choices we need to make as web developers in 2019 is how we want to build our app's frontend. Do we want to stick with Blade for templating? Do we want to build a SPA? SPA's sound cool but then we'll need an API and use some fancy authentication protocol. We still might want a SPA though, since that'd allow us to provide a richer user experience. Decisions are hard! Let's take a step back. Instead of choosing between the two ends of the spectrum, why not combine them and have the best of both worlds? That's where Inertia.js makes its appearance. Inertia.js is a framework for creating server-driven single page apps. With Inertia.js, we can build an app that keeps business and data concerns on the server, with a JavaScript powered view layer. In this talk, we'll review the tradeoffs when making a choice between keeping complexity on the server or on the client. Then we'll demonstrate what an app looks like built with Laravel, Vue.js and Inertia.js. We'll start with `laravel new`, and work towards a working application.
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