DjangoCon 2019 - Technical Debt: Why it'll ruin your software by Luan Fonseca

4 years ago

DjangoCon 2019 - Technical Debt: Why it'll ruin your software by Luan Fonseca Technical Debt is one of the main reasons why software fails, we are used to think that it is just bad code. This talk propose a bigger picture view of what it means in a Sustainable Software era, how can we identify bottlenecks that are generating more debt and then how to healthy deal with it. This talk was presented at: LINKS: Follow Luan Fonseca ๐Ÿ‘‡ On Twitter: Follow DjangCon US ๐Ÿ‘‡ Follow DEFNA ๐Ÿ‘‡ Intro music: "This Is How We Quirk It" by Avocado Junkie. Video production by Confreaks TV. Captions by White Coat Captioning.
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