PHP UK Conference 2011 - HTML5 and CSS3 today, by Martin Beeby
4 years ago
For years web developers have used hacks, sweat and black magic to bend HTML and CSS into submission and achieve visual effects across browsers that really shouldn't be so difficult.
With HTML5 and CSS3 comes the promise that one day we will be able to play video, create animations and round corners without the need for plugins and with the guarantee that the same code will work in all browsers.
Back in the real world, developers have to navigate the complex issues around HTML5 and CSS3 caused by browser differences, backwards compatibility and an ever evolving standard. This talk introduces HTML5 and CSS3 using demos that will illustrate how to use these new technologies today, but ensure they don't break tomorrow.
Martin Beeby is a Developer Evangelist at Microsoft where he talks to developers about the Web, HTML5, MVC, JavaScript, Phone Development, the Cloud, developer productivity and open source in big business. Martin has been developing websites since he was 16 and over the past 12 years has worked on projects with many major brands including The Sun, The Daily Mail, Ministry Of Sound, National Rail Enquiries, Easy Jet and Tesco.
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