!!Con West 2020 - Kathleen Tuite: The hacks behind my 3D reconstructed wedding cake topper!

4 years ago

Presented at !!Con West 2020: http://bangbangcon.com/west There is cool technology for capturing your likeness with a depth camera like a Kinect and fusing it into a single model. There are also neat ways of 3D printing those models in a bunch of different materials! As a computer graphics/vision researcher, I thought it would be pretty straightforward to make a model of myself and my partner as a custom wedding cake topper. But time pressure and unfortunate artifacts meant I ALSO had to do some Javascript sleuthing, decode a proprietary 3D model format, and befriend my local makerspace to get it done!! #bangbangcon #bangbangconwest #bangbangconwest2020
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