Implementing Microservices as Kubernetes Operators - DevConf.CZ 2020

4 years ago

Speakers: Lisa Seelye, Naveen Malik Kubernetes provides a rich framework for developers that enable the creation and management of microservices with relatively little code. By implementing operators as a service [1][2], the developer will benefit from the existing underlying Kubernetes conventions in addition to the highly available elements of the cluster. The resulting service will be accessible via a highly available API, backed by a replicated data store, and have built in user management and authorization. This REST API is capable of implementing all CRUD operations. Audience members will gain a new perspective of operators and their uses. [1] [2] Key takeaways: * How using operators provides the benefits of the platform: rbac, HA, DR * Operators are powerful utilities to help configure administer Openshift * Using Openshift as an API provides a rich framework to the developer. [ ] -- Recordings of talks at DevConf are a community effort. Unfortunately not everything works perfectly every time. If you're interested in helping us improve, let us know.
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