Goldilocks and the Three Code Reviews - RedDotRubyConf 2017
4 years ago
Speaker: Vaidehi Joshi, Staff Engineer, Tilde Inc
Once upon a time, Goldilocks had a couple extra minutes to spare before morning standup. She logged into Github and saw that there were three pull requests waiting for her to review. We’ve probably all heard that peer code reviews can do wonders to a codebase. But not all type of code reviews are effective. Some of them seem to go on and on forever, while others pick at syntax and formatting but miss bugs. This talk explores what makes a strong code review and what makes a painful one. Join Goldilocks as she seeks to find a code review process that’s neither too long nor too short, but just right!
Speaker's Bio
Vaidehi is an engineer at Tilde, in Portland, Oregon, where she works on Skylight, your favorite Rails profiler! She enjoys building and breaking code, but loves creating empathetic engineering teams a whole lot more. In her spare time, she runs basecs, a weekly writing series that explores the fundamentals of computer science.
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