Opening Keynote | Everything’s a plugin: Understanding webpack from the inside out | Sean Larkin

4 years ago

accessible for deaf/hearing-impaired: sign language interpreter (DGS) visible for complete duration + captions // slide collection // Licence: CC BY-ND Webpack is one of the most depended on packages for front-end web development. With over 15 million monthly downloads on npm, it has been called the LLVM of the web and taken the JavaScript ecosystem by storm. However, few understand how webpack actually works and how to leverage some of its most powerful features: Custom Plugins! Join me as I walk you through the internal architecture of webpack, and show you how you can extend, implement, or modify any piece of it! Join me as we unravel the mystery behind webpack together! Sean Larkin (@TheLarkInn) is a Program Manager at Microsoft working on Edge DevTools and maintainer of webpack. Outside of work, he works with Fortune 500 companies helping them change their culture for Web Performance, Open Source, and embracing emerging technologies. In his free time, he loves spending time with his family, hiking, playing video games, hacking on IoT, and Streaming his open source work! more: (courses are for free) use webpack 5 npm install webpack@next yarn add webpack@next Sign up for our Newsletter to receive preview-links every other Thursday starting 2019, April 04:
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